On Thursday 16 December, CERRE Research Fellow Prof. Catherine Banet will be a panellist at a roundtable discussion titled “Moving forward with Gas Decarbonisation”, organised by the association for European gas wholesale, retail and distribution sectors towards the EU institutions, Eurogas.
The panellists will look to address the revision of the EU rules on gas and hydrogen to ensure that the gas market framework is in line with the EU ambition to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Prof. Catherine Banet will be joined by Kavita Ahluwalia, Chair of Eurogas Strategy Committee and VP/Head of Global Positioning at Uniper and Dagmar Droogsma, AVP, European Strategy & Engagement at the Environmental Defense Fund Europe.
Professor Catherine Banet co-authored CERRE’s recent work on renewable energy, including Data Centres and the Grid – Greening ICT in Europe and Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII).
More information on the Eurogas event and registration can be found here.
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