Le Bouche à Oreille
11 Rue Félix Hap
1040 Brussels
Introducing the CERRE White Paper 2019-2024.
What should be the priorities for the energy, telecom, digital, media and mobility sectors? How should they tackle these? Can robust regulation fix the EU and help it regain trust from its citizens?
This high-level conference presented and discussed the CERRE White Paper 2019-2024 and its recommendations to the incoming European Commission and Parliament.
This strategic agenda has been prepared in strict academic independence by more than 20 renowned academics. It gathers clear ambitions and actionable policy recommendations for the new European Commission and Parliament in the energy, digital, telecoms, media, platforms, and mobility sectors.
The afternoon started with our experts providing concrete policy recommendations for the energy, digital and mobility sectors in parallel sessions; followed by a high-level dialogue to break the silos between those interconnected sectors with a cross-sector perspective. The conference ended with a roundtable investigating how robust regulation can help the EU regain trust from its citizens and reenchant its original values of respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law.
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B-1050 Brussels – Belgium
T.: +3222308360
E-mail: info@cerre.eu
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