CERRE Academic Co-Director Sally Broughton Micova and Andrea Calef, Lecturer in Economics, gave an interview to Tagesspiegel about the effective risk assessment in the context of the last report, published by CERRE, titled: “Elements for effective systemic risk assessment under the DSA”.
The Digital Services Act, adopted in 2022, updated the liability rules for online intermediaries and introduced obligations for Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) and Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) to conduct systemic risk assessments in four broad areas of risk to society: the dissemination of illegal content; negative effects on fundamental rights; negative effects on civic discourse and electoral processes as well as public security and health; and negative effects gender-based violence, minors, and individuals’ physical and mental well-being.
While systemic risk assessments have long been carried out in other sectors such as financial services, banking, or insurance, the introduction of this type of assessments in the context of digital services is a novelty. In this new CERRE Tech, Media, & Telecom project, the authors draw on the literature of systemic risk and its application in financial services and banking to contribute to the understanding and implementation of systemic risk assessments under the DSA.
The report is part of a bigger CERRE project that looks into systemic risk assessments under the DSA. The second report, to be published in 2024, will focus on the operationalisation of systemic risk – its assessment and mitigation – as required by the DSA.
Read the full article here.