Lauriane Dewulf
The main objective of this CERRE Tech, Media, Telecom paper is to investigate the role of regulation in terms of mandating copper access during the transition to fibre.
Based on recent studies and own findings considering the trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency, we investigate whether it is efficient to mandate access at a regulated price. Based on this, we then study the potential role of regulation during the transition to fibre.
The paper’s conclusions include policy recommendations relative to supporting the objective of developing high performing new generation networks and, at the same time, sustainable competition.
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
Tech, Media, Telecom
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