On Wednesday 22 June, CERRE Academic Director, Alexandre de Streel, participated in an OECD expert meeting “Market Power in the Digital Economy and Competition Policy” discussing market power in digital markets for which he wrote an the expert paper “Gatekeeper Power in the Digital Economy: An Emerging Concept in EU Law” as a supporting document.
The assessment of market power in digital markets can present a range of challenges for authorities. The OECD explored some of the key challenges, including:
- how agencies are assessing market power in the digital economy, including how they approach concepts like network effects or multi-homing
- some new approaches and alternatives to market power as a competition law concept
- new digital sector regulations and their relationships to traditional market power
Please read the full expert paper “Gatekeeper Power in the Digital Economy: An Emerging Concept in EU Law” by Alexandre de Streel here.