This spring, the European Union is set to vote on new legislation that could bring radical change to the way the GAFAs are regulated. The Digital Services Act (DSA) is touted by EU officials as a “game changer”. It will require large tech companies such as Facebook and Google to provide regular risk assessments regarding the spread of misinformation and hate speech online. Tech companies will also have to submit plans to address those risks and allow regulators to audit their algorithms. “The DSA is an elegant solution. It allows us to mitigate harm without censoring content” said France’s Digital Ambassador Henri Verdier.
The United States has lagged behind in the area of big tech regulation. What consequences will Europe’s new regulatory framework have on the tech landscape in the US? What lessons can be drawn from the Digital Services Act? Could some of its provisions be adopted by the United States? Could such solutions help bring more transparency to political advertising? Could they help stem the flow of harmful content – including hate speech – online?
In order to cast light on these critical questions, Sciences Po, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia World Projects, and the Alliance Program are bringing together a panel of leading experts and policy makers.
On Thursday 17 March, CERRE Academic Director, Alexandre de Streel, will join the roundtable discussion “The Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act: Can Content Regulation Models be Exported?” together with Professor Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University), Henri Verdier (French Government’s Ambassador for Digital Affairs), Joris van Hoboken, (Vrije Universiteit Brussels & University of Amsterdam); Vera Franz (Open Society Foundation) and moderator Anya Schiffrin (Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs).
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