Keir Fitch
DG MOVE, European Commission
The mission of the Unit is to establish an interoperable and safe Single European Rail area and to manage the relationships with the European Union Agency for Railways and the Shift-To-Rail Joint undertaking. This includes in particular: pursuing the conditions to achieve interoperability and safety in the rail systems across the EU, in particular in partnership with the European Union Agency for Railways; and ensuring the delivery of a long term R&I programme with the rail industry which supports the Commission’s vision for the future of rail and broader transport, competitiveness, environmental and social policy objectives.
Mr Fitch is the former Deputy Head of Cabinet of Siim Kallas, Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport where Mr. Fitch is responsible for land transport, security and state aids, inter alia. He was also the coordinator of the White Paper of the Future of Transport. Mr Fitch studied mathematics and law at Cambridge, was a lawyer at Herbert Smith and then moved on to the UK civil service in 1993. He joined the European Commission’s Legal Service in 1999. Before joining the cabinet of Mr. Kallas in 2004, he was a Member of Cabinet of Vice-President Kinnock, responsible for Administration.
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