Antonio Lopez-Nicolas
DG Energy
European Commission
Antonio Lopez-Nicolas is Deputy Head of the Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy Unit at the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission.
In his current role, he has led the the preparation of the Energy System Integration and Hydrogen Strategies adopted in July 2020 under the European Green Deal. He has also been deeply involved in the negotiations of the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package, including the revised Renewables Directive for the period after 2020.
Antonio is an electrical engineer with further studies in economics and management and has a wide professional experience in different relevant positions in the energy sector. Previously, he worked at ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, as Head of the Market Unit in charge of network code development, market design and transparency issues. He has also held different positions at both Red Electrica and Endesa in Spain.
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